G e t F r e e Q u o t a t i o n
Our factory specializes in electric cutting tools such as Reciprocating Saw, lithium-ion jigsaws, Trimmer, circular saws, chain saws, saber saws, and electric scissors. Only wholesale and not retail.
Exports account for 70% of the factory's products, and its customer base is mainly cross-border e-commerce, with an annual output value of more than 40 million.
In the production process, we have always adhered to the attitude of making products refined and of high quality. Our goal is to take our customers' electric cutting tools business and brand influence to the next level.
We also supply Yongkang Crown, which is equivalent to having a quality assurance platform for our products, which makes other customers have more trust in the quality of our factory.
At the same time, we also support customization and design, and we can do both private and public models.
Bulk purchases are welcome. Look forward to be a part of your success! info@pwrtools.com
We will specifically purchase pine wood to conduct working condition tests on our products to ensure that our products can meet customer quality requirements. During the production process, one unit will be randomly selected for a week of use testing.
If you are purchasing cutting tool assembly accessories, you can also come to us. Most accessories can be found nearby.
The products are conventionally packaged in plastic boxes with customer colored stickers.
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